Sahasra purna chandrodayam

Sahasra purna chandrodayam is the celebration of a person's 1000th full moon during his or her life as a special occasion. This is a custom in India and Nepal. As the time between similar lunar phases, the synodic month, is on average 29.53 days, this is usually celebrated in 82–83 years. This ritual is also known as Chandra Ratharohan[1] .

In Sanskrit sahasra means 1000, purna means full, and chandrodyam means dawn of moon.

A similar kind of celebrations for elderly persons are Bhim Rathaarohan(in 77 years, 7 months, 7 days of age), Deva Rathaarohan (88 years 8 months, 8 days of age), Divya Rathaarohan (in 99 years, 9 months, 9 days of age), Mahadivya Rathaarohan (105 years 8 months, 8 days of age, Sashtiaapdapoorthi (or Shashti poorthi).)


  1. ^ Chandra Rathaarohan